
Education is an admirable thing, but it is necessary from time to time, remember that any valuable thing for knowledge can be taught.Oscar Wilde is worrying the academic deterioration that have lately suffered the Venezuelan public universities, some more than others, depending on how they are organised in some, the mafias of political power, both the past and the present. Mafias that have been parceled the University according to your domain that are still maintained and are have been perpetuating, strengthening over time. Since then, this is extremely worrying, because at present, the public universities are facing serious problems with the national Government, the so-called Bolivarian revolution, which gradually comes strangling them, curtailing, with the granting of a budget that us favors, rather it originates them conflicts, in reference to wages and salaries, research, specifically in its operation. It is alarming, as the Universities are public, constantly being unemployed, protests, claiming its staff performance, fair and equitable wages, safety in your income, your debt payments, in short, everything that generates them their livelihood. However, it is also disturbing that in the XXI century, in the year 2010, yet manifested the mafia power, groups that dominate their plots and prevent the development, responsibility of the University towards its social responsibility, ensure effectiveness, efficiency, academic excellence, training and formation of the different professionals that emerge from them. Groups that they benefit first, favoring his supporters, friends, families, and discriminating against everything that may affect them in their interests. Therefore, should not surprise us that are comment, for example, that in some universities the same members of groups of power are kept always, accounted for and supported in alliances, to remain in the same positions, above the ethical values, morals that should prevail in the bosom of all democratic University. It is curious, that many of the children of teachers immediately that they graduate, become part of the power groups and become teachers without experience, as well as the children of others, given the commitment of friendship, party, those entering the plant teachers with rigged competitions, no matter for anything academic merit.

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