Urban planning activities – the development of territories, including cities and other settlements, implemented in the form of land use planning, zoning, land planning, architectural design, construction, repair, reconstruction of objects of capital construction. Planning areas (urban planning) in St. A related site: Shimmie Horn mentions similar findings. Petersburg is carried out in accordance with Articles 45 and 46 of the Town Planning Code, the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg from 16.05.06 596, Order of the Committee on City Planning and Architecture from 22.05.06 515. In preparation documentation for the planning of the territory may be the development of projects of planning the territory, surveying the territory of the projects and urban plans of land.
Preparation of draft subdivision Territory is exercised in the planning of the project area or in a separate document, if in respect of the territory described by a the approved project plan. Preparation of documentation land planning is carried out in relation to the built and is subject to building areas. The main objects of the draft plan include the following elements of the planning structure of the city: the newly developed and / or redeveloped area for various purposes for which you are forming a new or changing (upgrading) the existing planning structure of the territory of a single quarter (Planning an isolated part of the quarter) for which you want to release (change) intra-element of the planning structure and establishing the parameters of its territory. Thus, the implementation preparation of planning projects and land surveying projects is mandatory in the following cases: the formation of new land for construction the implementation of capital construction in previously formed land plots the renovation (repair) of capital construction in the case of changing the height or area of development or change of use of land. Delimitation of territory, technical specifications and other terms of the design is carried out by the Committee on City Planning and Architecture. Projects layouts are performed by specialized organizations, having a license to perform architectural design, and are subject to approval in accordance with the law. Designed and properly coordinated documentation of planning the territory to be Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg.