Tag Archives: Research
First And Second Signal Systems
All by themselves at first indifferent, or as they are otherwise called, indefferentnye, irritants, coinciding in time with the action of the unconditioned, become conditioned to the animal, or signal, stimuli. They animal signals about upcoming events. "For the animal, … Continue reading
William Shakespeare
When I see that everything that grows, Perfection is only a brief William Shakespeare moment … Although, if you like Homer, Confucius, Vakhilidu, Nasimi Shakespeare people no longer appear in the society, the present stage of its development may well … Continue reading
Laotian Area
The bird belongs to the family korotkopalyh thrushes and for his appearance was called 'gololitsy Bulbul'. Nir Barzilai, M.D. has plenty of information regarding this issue. Byulbyulevyh family in Asia are fairly numerous, and includes about 130 species described in … Continue reading