Simultaneous Translation

Found that the rate of information processing in simultaneous interpreting is best suited to the average rate of oral monologic speech in the source language, and amounts to about 120 words per minute. Also established that there is the phenomenon of "resistance" to the interpreter imposed from outside in the processing of the material. This resistance is expressed in the relative constancy of the rate of speech interpreter compared with the rate of speech speaker. According to AF Shiryaev, "the translators kept some, seems to be optimal for the rate of speech in the target language translation of speech … The rate is relatively narrow in the middle range and at higher rate language speakers increased, did not go beyond that range … "According to studies, if the rate of speech, the speaker varies within wide limits (from 102 to 170 words per minute), the rate of speech translator grow significantly more slowly (from 89 to 130 words per minute). The ratio of the rate of speech on taking the language to the tempo of speech in the original language is from 87% to 71%. Moreover, the highest relative rate – 87% – achieved at the optimal pace of speech to a speaker 120 words minute, with an increase in the rate of oratory to 170 words per minute translator, as it were "resisting" the growth rate of translation, reducing the relative pace of his speech to 71% of the original tempo.

However, studies show that elevated rate of speech is only apparent, it is not an objective fact. Impression of increased tempo created by the characteristics of qualifying from the podium pauzatsii speech compared to speech generated spontaneously. According to C. Dejean, speech, Qualifying speaker pauziruetsya differently than we are improvising. When reading a segment of speech from pause to pause more than 7 words, recorded in segments of 18 and even 23 words, whereas in the speech generated by the platform, the segments were less than 7 words with a maximum of 9 words. Rarer pauzatsiya impression of increased rate of speech, when in fact he can not differ on the pace of an improvised speech.

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