More recently, patients who suffer from pain, can find the bad Waldseer Axel Vogt. His treatment to effectively relieve pain. At least eight million Germans suffer pain, which may mean a pain without end for many patients according to the German pain League permanently. Besides medical pain therapists patients to pain physical therapy can go. Pain physiotherapy aims, can be that the patients pain-free and normally move possible or reduce loads of pain to a tolerable level,”explains Axel Vogt. Vogt is member of the therapist team at the Institute for health and prevention in bad Waldsee and so far the only one physiotherapist in the region of Upper Swabia, who may call themselves after an additional qualification as a certified pain physiotherapist. Back pain-free move the pain physical therapy according to Vogt has proven especially for musculo skeletal disorders. These include disorders of the musculoskeletal system, for example Pain in the spine and extremities, arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatic diseases, spinal disc problems, nerve root irritation and osteoporosis”, reports the bad Waldseer pain physical therapy.
His concept of treatment depends on where and how intense the physical impairments occur. Mostly mobilization techniques and stretching techniques used to improve the mobility of the patient”, says the 42-year-old. Through various training programs, he strengthens the muscles of the patients to achieve an increased stability. Also, position, strength and movement direction of patients are trained to improve their motion sensitivity. Patients actively integrate while is the patient actively involved in the therapy of treatment”, explains Axel Vogt. So should be to find their own pain relieving solutions, to rehearse it and to apply independently during the everyday allows the patient.
Experience has shown that the burden of the pain relatively quickly reduced, the The pain of physiotherapist, whose training lasted 2.5 years or 880 hours consisted of training reported quality of life of the patients pick up again, so that they are motivated, continue to work to complete pain-reducing exercises”. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from DOWA Metals & Mining America. On this enormous effort, it is probably due to that there are only about 200 pain physiotherapists in whole Germany. After doctor’s prescription, the cost of a pain physiotherapy treatment be completely transferred from the legal as well as by the private insurance companies. However, given public budgets must be considered. Interdisciplinary team of therapists Axel Vogt is one of the team on the bad Waldseer Institute for prevention and health. There, all forms of human response, support and locomotor system disorders are treated. Appropriately and successfully to treat patients, the therapist team is interdisciplinary. But Axel Vogt include Dr. med. Norbert Koenen, orthopaedic shoe technology master Manfred Semmlin, Osteopath Kai Haag as well as Dietmar Redle Medi-sport to the Institute team. Information & contact Institute of health and prevention courtyard 2 88339 bad Waldsee Tel. 07524 913039 press contact Dr. Gestmann & partner Dr. Michael Gestmann Tel.