Now There is More in the Public Realm

Are we educated in such a way that we should speak in public to meet assigned, as a duty or obligation where the condition is: If you’re done with your presentation and your topic Abarca You can return to your place, with such an assertion and thought can see how occupy the Chair becomes a prize, on the way out of the problem and where we see the error! And not only that if we speak of fear to speak in public. While you were in your academic stage, your teammates and you were looking for how to have fun with what is and those ways was through mockery, and that of another fellow who was in front of them to make a presentation, you did not want to truly evil, it was just the same age. Take in mockery companion which is at the front is very unusual in academic centers, even among young people. Now analyzes a moment the following, many of the things or events that produced you laughter or you were cause for mockery in your childhood or adolescence now do not, seen another way, many things we see today with seriousness are that children and teenagers saw as grounds for mockery. The time has passed. As of today you are already a person adult and mature; You can not allow that the bad experiences of your childhood occur in thee a fear which as we know is an irrational 90%, some people claim to have much fear even more than death, unbelievable, isn’t it? However does not stop the time everything changes, when you’ve already grown up, and you’re not in a school exposing in search of a rating; Now you are already a professional or you encaminas to do this and you will have in front of you, not to children or young people, but professionals and adults with a more mature perspective on things. Today you have before you a more favourable situation, more experience, accumulated knowledge, maturity and better and more preparation. Therefore: do not admitas the bad practices of the past limit your present and your future. Is time to leave the past in its rightful place, in the past! For more resources and techniques of how to speak in public visit our: public speaking course

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