Continuing the theme of choice for the greenhouse suburban area, which began in issue number 1, let us consider other characteristics, no less important than the overall dimensions. When choosing a greenhouse should pay attention to the need for foundation at its base. Currently, there are enough options for installation of foundations under relatively light construction. Here are some of them: a bar, ribbon, a wooden frame. Pier foundation for our opinion, is the most economical. Depending on the size of the greenhouse and its weight, base poles may be located within 1 meter, and of course the corners of the frame. The dimensions of the foundation pillars of at least 250×250 mm, height of not less than 500 mm. You can use the building blocks offered in diy stores.
When the device of the foundation pillars important to consider the characteristics of the soil, and consider drainage and bank filling sand-gravel cushion under each column. When the device strip foundation is necessary to consider the requirements for flatness, and produce additional reinforcement wire mesh base. The depth of strip foundation shall not be less than 500 mm and the height above the ground not less than 150-200 mm. This design is intended primarily for heavy greenhouse with glazing. Lighter design with a coating of polycarbonate do not require such a rigid foundation. Most common option for the budget base for horticultural greenhouses is a combination of columnar variants with wooden base of the timber, treated with antiseptic. When the relative ease of installation of such a foundation much cheaper and requires no special skills for the device.