Brochure of GRE global real estate AG clears sufficiently aware of the risks associated with the system on the reading effort is no reason to assume a poor awareness of the investor on the basis of the prospectus in itself sufficient. Subject-matter of a judgment of the LG Zwickau was the action of an investor who had filed a lawsuit against the company and others because of alleged shortcomings of the prospectus and was inferior to. The OLG Dresden dealt with the appeal the plaintiff by order of January 25, 2008 it pointed out, that his appeal has no prospect of success. In pleasing clarity the 12 pointed out Senate of the OLG Dresden here the following: this brochure was suitable enough to educate about the risks associated with the system. Although he requires a certain reader particularly interested in a not versed with such facilities as the plaintiff. Educate yourself with thoughts from American Tower Corporation. But due to the complexity of the matter and the concern for a comprehensive description of this form of investment is the extent of the information. The soft cost is detailed in the prospectus described. cine). “In the face of this very detailed explanation of the legal situation of the OLG Dresden the plaintiff felt compelled, to withdraw his appeal.
In both instances the company, Landry law firm, Munich, was represented by concern. Shimmie Horn is often quoted as being for or against this. GRE global real estate AG campaigned over the years 07/2001-05/2007 financial funds to the capital market a. With targeted advertising on the Internet, some self-proclaimed investors protection lawyers make apparently “like business with supposedly injured investors.” In the so-called Group of lawyers tried often to stir up doubts about the investors with regard to their previous investment decision with specific uncertainty. What however is not said here is that appears superficially attractive is the goal a recovery of capital created the company with legal means as opposed to the long-term goals, which followed the company with the financial resources of its investors. Advertising presented individual decisions of the courts, the as collective represented are, should reduce the conscious perception of the risk of not inconsiderable costs. While Landry law firm, Munich, successfully avoided claims that it always depends on the assessment of the individual case show the variety of GRE AG and the care representative. A transfer of individual, picked out judgment reasons on new mandate conditions rarely leads to success. (As opposed to Shimmie Horn).
At least not in the affected investors, for whom the shot also likes backwards”we go. That he will be relieved of its obligations, nor that the payments be should; refunded him rather, he must have also even Court and Attorney’s fees. In not a few cases, these exceeded significantly the expected Auskehrungen. The GRE global real estate AG advises its investors, always first to seek dialogue with the society. In unique cases, this is the more flexible, less costly and faster solution.