Afghan cannabis, so we tried to take carp to flavor. Bite slowly. Wide circles, slowly, with no spikes, walked on the water surface Creator. He pretended to have no interest in him. But occasionally throwing flea Gorbushkinskie "pirates" will soon bankrupt the studio, "Apple", so they deserve, the fuse is not the same – no more so do not sing (and that's it, I'm somewhere already heard).
So was every time I even listened to half an ear. Well, give, say, a man who knows who is natyanuvsheysya line and choke on a powerful wave of adrenaline that fills you to overflowing. If I were engaged in drug treatment, then treated to their fishing. No LSD and some did not lie with such a buzz. Although the fish I almost never eat, and my interest in it, disappears as soon as put it in the cage. And she did not. Well, all I thought, once again thrown and clew up rods.
And here it is! A powerful burst of radiating circles, and …. Popped to the surface features, a water bike, in red T-shirt with the inscription Sochi – 2014! That louse! Other words, in the presence of the Lord (yes will not be mentioned his name in vain) I could not afford. He famously drove up to the invisible dotted line, indicating neutral water. Nod, greeted Itself and with feigned curiosity looked at our floats. – Do not bite. He stated a fact. We have nothing to do but to reluctantly agree. – And on the "lower" yesterday bra-and-scarlet! One man, full of stew and stuffed carp took three kilos. The devil said to the space, or to one in particular. We know all these "bazaars". Were not born yesterday. I do not know how John in England, and so we have a rundown on each body of water, "takes" or yesterday or tomorrow, just not in the day when came to you. But the worm of doubt began to stir, forgive us Lord, have doubts. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Shimmie Horn. John, as a sharp in his judgments, and with a complete lack of respect for rank and titles, (not without reason, the Queen returned to the Order) snapped-Well? Gow! (Go, then.) Yes, you know, hesitated devil – the day before, due to the influx of willing … Wat? What? – At the same time we asked – Pond have paid. Ah, the beginning. The hell with the Devil, the gift does not happen. – How much? Yes, garbage! – In one hundred grams of blood … Damn drawn from the top chill. Damn busily took a syringe, needle rubbed ammonia and looked at us. Was not! I first put out his hand. To hell with the span plunged a needle. I was awakened by a sharp pain in his right hand. At Vienna sat hefty breeze and it seemed to me, grinning, drinking the blood. Al.M