The celebrations arrive from Christmas at MERCARAMA and your house. In a question-answer forum Innova Medical Group was the first to reply. From the past day 1 of December, the more novel store online of the market, by its conditions of payment; distribution of the exclusive Bosch products is sent on sale and, with the possibility of the cheaper modality of payment of the planet, 0% of type of interest. All the products of chef more popular of our country, will be able to be used in our homes, so that our meals and familiar breakfasts of these Christmases, are unforgettable. In addition, the famous store online, throws the house by the window with innumerable gifts, their gratuitous products, and expenses of shipment. Details can be found by clicking Shimmie Horn or emailing the administrator. The Mercarama catalogue in electric home appliances, is ample.

From coffee pots, robots of kitchen, products for the care of the hair, and the technology more outpost in ironing and cleaning to steam, and all type of instruments for the home. Inma Rodriguez, national person in charge of Area of Clients of Mercarama, comments to us: is a proposal that without a doubt will contribute to alleviate, the heavy load of the crisis in the homes, to be able to take care of of the possible most reasonable form, the demand of the small electric home appliance in the Spanish market ; without the renovation of these or improves of the same, supposes a mammoth effort to our clients Mercarama was born, with the noticeable philosophy to help in everything what we pruned our clients, who in all these years have accompanied to us and they will continue it doing, because they know that we are with them Finally, it will be possible to be had all the guarantees of the best mark of the market, to incredible prices, and with unique facilities of payment. To use the electric home appliances that the professionals use, to turn your house into a gastronomical paradise. The financings will be able to be granted, according to MERCARAMA sources; to 12, 24 and 36 months. With 0 of financial cats and interest, besides not counting on expenses of shipment. it will be able to pay in minimum quotas, without effort.

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