Fill Pattern Of The Employment Contract

Employment contract governs the relationship between employee and employer. Labor relations are governed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In some industries may also be presented and special legislative acts, typical for this area of work. The employment contract must be made in two copies, one of which is stored in the affairs of the employer, one issued at the hands of the employee. Be sure to remember that when receiving a copy of the employee, he must necessarily sign a copy of the receipt of the employer, otherwise it is considered that the contract was not issued at the hands of the employee. Fill pattern of employment contract.

The law provides for 3 days of signing the contract. That is, the employee can actually admit to the work, but within 3 days with him to conclude an employment contract. Pre-employment, that is, prior to signing employment contract, the employer must inform the employee under a list of local documents, internal regulations, collective agreement (if one exists). Recruitment is made order, which must correspond to an employment contract. On reading the order of the employee must also sign the order. On the first demand of the worker the employer is obliged to issue a certified copy order. In hiring and employment contract the employee must provide an exhaustive list of documents that provided art. 65 of the Labour Code (nothing more than an employer has no right request): – Passport or other document by which one can establish the identity of an employee – work record, unless it is a first job or work part-time – a certificate of insurance state pension insurance – if the employee has to undergo military service, the document certifying military service – a document about education.

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