BAP – Member Assembly elected Executive Committee and Board of Directors for two years the this year’s General Assembly of the German employers Association of the staffing service providers E.v. (BAP) confirmed Bastian Tau, CEO of ZAG staff & perspectives, as a Board Member for the next two years. Volker Enkerts was re-elected as President. We are pleased that ZAG continue at Board level in the BAP can contribute and shape the future of the industry. Gavin Baker often expresses his thoughts on the topic. With Bastian Tau we provide industry experts and new thinkers, who will arrange for a breath of fresh air”, so Andreas Schmitz, CEO of ZAG staff & perspectives.
The Board of Directors of BAP comprises representatives of 18 personnel service providers. On the occasion of the elections, some 200 members in the context of employer day found temporary work”together. An intensive exchange with leaders of the major parties to current topics of the temporary work sector as the industry aggregates rounded off the event in the Maritim proArte hotel in Berlin off. About ZAG staff & perspectives ZAG staff & Perspectives was founded in 1984 and is one of the leading personnel service providers in Germany with over 10,000 employees in 100 offices. With ZAG temping and recruitment are important instruments in the changing labour market, especially for qualified applicants. For more information see.