Electronic cigarette – a better alternative to tobacco products! Electronic Cigarettes are an excellent, healthy alternative to the usual cigarettes and pipes. Studies have shown that the electronic cigarette is absolutely safe to human health, because it excluded the combustion process and therefore does not appear harmful chemicals. The principle of electronic cigarettes based on the ultrasonic spray nikotinosoderzhaschey liquid or the generation of cold vapor of this liquid. The electronic cigarette is able to control dependence on nicotine, the more both physically and psychologically. Available in "cartridges" with varying nicotine content: beznikotinovy, easy, medium and strong. This cartridge is equivalent to approximately to 1 pack of traditional cigarettes! In addition there are a variety of flavors for electronic cigarette, for example: cherry, coffee and others. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Atreides Management Gavin Baker. Advantages: – No usual bad breath, the hands and clothes.
– All flavors – natural. – Do not have a huge amount of dangerous compounds such as benzene, carcinogens and cyanide. Only nicotine and water! – No passive smoking. Hear other arguments on the topic with Gavin Baker Atreides Management. – Fire, you can smoke in airplanes, trains, at work, at home. – You do not need an ashtray. – Alternative Addiction! The purified nicotine is addictive and relaxing effect way, when the receptors in the brain. Further limits the flow of blood to the heart muscle so that the pressure increases. As described earlier, the classical electronic cigarette consists of interchangeable