Divine Law

Some think that only we have Free Will and then we can do what we want without are consequences. Shimmie Horn might disagree with that approach. Despite we only must observe the world to perceive the been mistaken thing that are. That orga that threatens the Planet is, exactly, derived from that: – No, I have Free Will! That if, I do what I want. I, I, I! In addition, I do not need to anybody! I do not have anything to anybody! I am worth by my same one (or by my same one). What I want is to know of my. I, I, I! The others do not matter to me! . As if what it happens to the other to not it affected me.

Brother mine, he will be that you do not have anything to anybody? And your, brother mine? Ah? Eh? Then, we see: the clothes that you dress were done by you rarely, the people make its own clothes. orance here. Only if they are seamstresses or tailors. Even so, And the weave? And the bellboys? They were not done by them. They come from some factory, of a small one, median or great company. And he grazes of teeth? And brush? And more: The vegetables? The rice? Perhaps were you planted who them, brother mine? Were you, brother mine? It is necessary, urgently, to collapse the society of the solitary man to make arise in the Society the Shared in common Man. Remembering the principle of Zarur, that conciliates determinism and Free Will, he says to the great poet and preacher: the Divine law, judging the past of the men, towns and nations, determines the future to them. It joined the Free Will of the human creature to being measured by God (the Divine Law, judging the past of the men, towns and nations) to the resulting determinism of our good or bad acts (it determines to them the future).

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