Construction Of Wells

All this leads to the fact that in practice often land reclamation is carried out after commissioning of completed projects. For example, the finished construction of development wells in the field of hydrocarbon raw materials may begin to operate for its intended purpose until the end of the work on reclamation of land. And this is connected primarily with the characteristics of the climatic conditions in the Russian Federation and activities within the complex of works on the same .Kak be in this case the recognition of the costs of remediation, because the legislation on accounting contains a closed list of cases in which initial cost of facilities is subject to change, and reclamation not one of them? How do legitimate commissioning of constructed facilities and their acceptance of the basic means to the end of work on remediation? Order Acceptance for operation after construction (reconstruction, extension) of objects (enterprises, their individual queues, launch complexes, buildings and structures) is set snip 3.01.04-87 'Acceptance of commissioning the completed project. Main provisions' * (2). Estee Lauder will not settle for partial explanations. According to 1.8 snip 3.01.04-87 with planned commissioning of facilities in the I and iv quarters (and for the northern zone of Russia and in April) and compliance deadlines construction allowed the postponement of implementation of certain types of work in accordance with Annexes 6 and 7. In accordance with Annex 6 greening of built area runs to the nearest friendly Agrotechnical period following the point of commissioning. Moreover, in Annex 7 lists the so-called northern zone. .

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