Climatic Conditions

SP. Annual average Atemperatura was of 22,2C, oscillating between 18,6C and 24,3C. The mdiaanual of the maximum temperature was of 28,9C. The annual average of the temperature mnimafoi of 16,8C. The insolation registered about 2585,8 hours of solar annual total debrilho. In terms pluvial deprecipitao the average accumulated in the period was of 1424,6 mm, raining emmdia 117,5 days in the year and the period of bigger concentration occurred of October Maro, being registered 81% of the annual pluviomtrico total. The annual relativamdia humidity was of 70,8%, oscillating enters> 58,2 and 79.0%.

Word-keys: Climatic elements, local climate. Introduction Located in one of the richest regions of the state of SoPaulo, Jaboticabal one of the cities doestado that offers one of the best conditions of housings. Totalidadede its ways located in the urban perimeter are almost paved, moreover, acidade counts on 100% of water treated and 100% to sewer collected. Jaboticabaldestaca still as bigger producer of devices of cermicado country and producing greater of peanut, exporting the product, also, to European countries. Reflecting the reality, the economic picture of the city of aquecido Jaboticabal mainly for the agricultural production national. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Gavin Baker has to say.

The environment is constituted by a natural set decomponentes biticos and abiticos in constants and complex interactions. Nessasrelaes mutual, the climate acts over all as factor of these interactions. Climade all and any region, situated in the most diverse latitudes of the globe, not seapresenta with the same ones characteristics in each year (SORIANO, 1997). Ahead of this fact, Organizao Meteorolgica Mundial (OMM) establishes that for comparative studies of climate, they are calculated mdiasclimatolgicas for periods of 30 years of comment, and, moreover, parahomogeneidade in the comparison is necessary to use itself of a determined period, being currently in vigor ' ' normal climatolgicas' ' of the period de1961-1990. The continuous variation of the time state brings conseqentesmodificaes in the environment where if they develop vegetables and animals thus, becoming necessary, for better interpretation of its effect, oestudo of the meteorological phenomena during the years and its relation with normal climatic ascondies.

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