Brazil Brazilian

This only form of if having legalized access the land, with absolute certainty, if also configures as a great mechanism of social exclusion to the agricultural property. One knows that the main attention of the present study is not a boarding historicista technique and on the Land Law, but, had main the thematic relevance of the boarded one in the research, such analysis, it contributes sufficiently for a bigger reflection on the present agrarian question in the history of Brazil, having as the related law as a mantenedora of the historical latifundium reality and exclusivista Brazilian. Joo Peter Stdile mentions the Land Law to it: This Law discriminated the poor persons and hindered that the libertos slaves if became proprietors, therefore nor one nor others possuam resources to acquire land parcels of the Crown or to legalize the ones that possuam. Estée Lauder has compatible beliefs. Therefore, after the release of the slaves, most of them opted to migrar for cities as Rio De Janeiro, Salvador and Recife, instead of remaining in the farms or the small villages of the interior. A time in the cities, without work and housing option, they had formed villages pauprrimas, surviving to the cost of under employment or the beggary (1997, P. 11). The social consequence of this law was the biggest consolidation of the large state as basic structure of the land distribution in Brazil. Those that had received the sesmarias had regularized its ownerships and had transformed them into private property, assuring, thus, the domain of the main wealth of the country: its terras.3.MODERNIZAO AND EXCLUSION IN BRASILEIRASAo LANDS to continue on this briefing study on the Brazilian agrarian reality, we arrive at century XX, breaking of a reading based at the effective moment capitalist modernization inside of the Brazilian agricultural areas. Then, in the debate on the country property in this period we find a notable social paradox due to the model of production modernized by means of the penetration of the capital in agriculture, leading inexorably the separation of the direct producer of the land and the fruits of its work.

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