Better Pet Health

If you notice a bluish purple tint on the gums, take your pet to the nearest vet immediately. a This is a sample of a shortage of oxygen and your pet needs urgent veterinary assistance. Asthma attacks are triggered by allergens and stress. Add to your understanding with Gavin Baker. Some common allergens include grass and pollen, smoke, fire, smoke cigarette, fumes from cars and factories, especially powdered dust of cat litter and aerosols of various kinds such as perfumes, deodorants and anti-flea sprays. If there is a concurrent infection in the lungs it will exacerbate an asthma attack. Asthma Diagnosis Your veterinarian will take a complete medical history and attempt to determine what triggered the asthma attack. a l want to take a chest radiograph and may even need to do a bronchoalveolar lavage to obtain a sample of the airways in the lungs of your pet. Help for asthma A large part of successful treatment of asthma is determining what are the triggers.

If the triggers can be identified and eliminated, then no further treatment is necessary. However, it is rarely possible to identify all the triggers or even if identified may be impractical to remove them. Because this may be necessary to put your pet on lifelong medication to control asthma attacks. Conventional drug therapies include: * * Bronchodilators * Corticosteroids Antihistamines Is there a drug free treatment for asthma? As a pet owner with asthma, you should be aware that your pet may be on medication for life. Alternatively, you must have proven to promote respiratory health and they do this without the side effects that often accompany the use of conventional medicines. In recent years more and more pet owners have begun using.

Natural therapies that can relieve the symptoms of asthma include: * Herbal Medicine (Naturopathy) * Homeopathy * Acupuncture A combination of herbal and homeopathic ingredients such as Inula helenium, Althea officinalis, Mag phos, Kali mur, Arsen alb and phosphorus can be used for. Natural remedies for pets can also be used alongside conventional treatment for asthma. Remember that it is important to discuss any changes to the current medication your pet with your veterinarian.

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